The Chrishanger

The Official Website of Christopher G. Nuttall

Complete Bibliography

The Empire's Corps

The Empire's Corps

No Worse Enemy

When The Bough Breaks

Semper Fi

The Outcast

To The Shores

Reality Check

Retreat Hell

The Thin Blue Line

Never Surrender

First To Fight

They Shall Not Pass!

Culture Shock

Wolf's Bane

Cry Wolf

Favour The Bold

Knife Edge

The Halls of Montezuma

The Prince's War

The Prince's Gambit

The Prince's Alliance

The Forsaken

Outside Context Problem

Outside Context Problem

Under Foot

The Slightest Hope of Victory



The Very Ugly Duckling

The Best Laid Plans

Full Circle

The Unwritten Words (Bookworm Series II)

The Promised Lie

The Ancient Lie

The Truthful Lie

The Royal Sorceress

The Royal Sorceress

The Great Game


Sons of Liberty

The Revolutionary War

Schooled In Magic (see also Stuck in Magic)

Schooled In Magic

Lessons In Etiquette

Study In Slaughter

Work Experience

The School of Hard Knocks

Love's Labor's Won

Trial By Fire

Wedding Hells

Infinate Regress

Past Tense

The Sergeant’s Apprentice

Fists of Justice

The Gordian Knot

Graduation Day

Alassa's Tale (novella)

The Princess in the Tower

The Broken Throne


Mirror Image

The Artful Apprentice


Little Witches

Gennady's Tale (novella, published in Fantastic Schools I)

Nanette's Tale (novella, published in Fantastic Schools II)

The Right Side of History

The Face of the Enemy

Void's Tale (novella, stand-alone)

The Cunning Man's Tale  (novella, published in Fantastic Schools III).

Child of Destiny

Freida's Tale (novella, published in Fantastic School Hols)

The Muckraker's Tale (novella, published in Fantastic Schools VI)

Tales of the Nameless World V.1 - (collects Aassa’s Tale, Nanette’s Tale, Gennady’s Tale, Void’s Tale and Marah’s Tale)

Hasdrubal's Tale (novella, published in Chrishangers).

The Grandmaster's Tale (novella, published in Fantastic Schools Staff)

The Demon's Design

The Apprentice Mistress

The First Witch's Tale (novella, set shortly after Past Tense, published in Fantastic Schools 8)

Tales of the Nameless World V.2 - (collects The Cunning Man's Tale, Cat's Tale, The Muckraker's Tale, Lady Barb's Tale and Frieda's Tale)

The Sports Captain's Tale (novella, set after The Muckraker's Tale).

The Unnatural Order

The Blademistress's Tale (novella, set shortly after Oathkeeper, published in Fantastic Schools War.)

Stuck in Magic (A Schooled in Magic Spin-Off)

Stuck in Magic

Her Majasty's Warlord


The Cunning Man (A Schooled in Magic Spin-Off)

The Cunning Man

The Infused Man

The Conjuring Man

The Decline and Fall of the Galactic Empire

Barbarians At The Gates

The Shadow of Cincinitus

The Barbarian Bride

Their Darkest Hour

Their Darkest Hour

Colin's War

Democracy's Right

Democracy's Might

Ark Royal/Warspite/Vanguard

Ark Royal

The Nelson Touch (Ark II)

The Trafalgar Gambit (Ark III)


A Savage War of Peace (Warspite II)

A Small Colonial War (Warspite III)


Fear God and Dread Naught (Vanguard II)

We Lead (Vanguard III)

The Longest Day

The Cruel Stars


Para Bellum (Invincible II)

The Right of the Line (Invincible III)

The Lion and the Unicorn

Fighting For The Crown (The Lion and the Unicorn II)

Drake's Drum (The Lion and the Unicorn III)

Endeavour (Endeavour I)

The Lone World (Endeavour II)

Judgement Day  (Endeavour III)

Inverse Shadows

Sufficently Advanced Technology

Angel In The Whirlwind

The Oncoming Storm

Falcone Strike

Cursed Command (formerly Unlucky)

Desperate Fire (formerly The Hammer of God)

The Hyperspace Trap (formerly Becalmed)

Debt of Honor (formerly The Embers of War)

Debt of Loyality

Debt of War

Martial Law

Who Dares To Call It Treason?

Picking Up The Peices

Science and Sorcery

Science and Sorcery

A Learning Experience

A Learning Experience

Hard Lessons

The Black Sheep

The Long Road Home

The Long-Range War

Their Last Full Measure

The Firelighters

The Burning World

The Fires of Freedom

The Zero Enigma

The Zero Blessing

The Zero Curse

The Zero Equation

The Family Shame

The Alchemist's Apprentice

The Family Pride

The King's Man

The Lady Heiress

The Family Name

The Zero Secret

The Family Secret

The Alchemist's Secret

The Imperium

On The Imperium's Secret Service

Twilight Of The Gods

The Flight of Werner von Braun (prequal)

Storm Front

Chosen of the Valkyries


Cast Adrift

Cast Adrift

Standing Alone

All for All

The Heirs of Cataclysm

The Chimera Coup

Pandora's Box

A Hope in Hell

Mystic Albion

The Stranded

The Land of Always Summer

The Many-Angled World


Exiled to Glory

Stolen Glory





A Life Less Ordinary

The Coward's Way of War

The Black Knife

The Trojan Horse

The Mind's Eye

First Strike

The Fall of Night

The Invasion of 1950

The Living Will Envy The Dead

Alone (Novella)

Knight's Move

Guardian Glass


Storming Heaven

The Cross-Time Road Trip

Team Omega

Thunder and Lightning (with Leo Champion)

Coup D’état

Short Stories in Collections

'A Word In Pompey's Ear' (In 'Synchronic: 13 Tales of Time Travel')

'A Peice of Cake,' (In Riding The Red Horse.)

Doing Well By Doing Good (In 'Terra Nova: The Wars of Liberation')

The Kaiserin of the Seas (In 'To Slip the Surly Bonds'

Drang nach Osten (Drive to the East) - (In 'Trouble in the Wind')

Graduation Day - (In 'You Pay, We Slay.)

Short Story Collections/Reprints

Chrishangers: A Decade of Writing (Story List)

Essey Collections

Heinlein in Reflection