The warlords are gone, save one. Admiral Marius Drake, betrayed
and almost killed by the Grand Senate, has seized power for himself
in a military coup. Now, as Emperor Marius, Drake can work to
restore the once-great Federation to its former glory. But now that
the Grand Senate is gone, the Federation is starting to fall apart.
The bureaucrats are running rampant, the corporations are demanding
new powers, the colonies want freedom and Earth is collapsing into
Worse, on the borders, a new interstellar power has arisen and is
bracing itself for an all-out invasion of Federation space. For the
Outsiders, the descendents of those forced to flee centuries ago by
the Federation, there will never be a better chance to smash their
hatred oppressors, once and for all. To save the Federation, the
Outsiders must be defeated – but the Federation may not survive long
enough to land the killing blow.
Cincinnatus casts a long shadow ... and those who pick up absolute
power may not find it so easy to put it down again.
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